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Welcome To My Cave

Day 2 – There is a fierce wind blowing today. I began working in the new Moleskine process book that I bought recently. I seem to start a new one at the beginning of each year. It was difficult to start drawing in this one because I am intent on posting my drawings each day.…


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welcome to my cave

welcome to my cave

Day 2 – There is a fierce wind blowing today. I began working in the new Moleskine process book that I bought recently. I seem to start a new one at the beginning of each year. It was difficult to start drawing in this one because I am intent on posting my drawings each day. I have never done this before, blogging & posting my art. It is intimidating in my head. There is a small voice asking if it is good. But I have a new, much MUCH louder voice telling that tiny voice to SHUT IT.
In this drawing I cannot get the face of the little girl to look ‘right’. What is the problem? Well, I’m not great at drawing faces, as has been established.
Welcome to my cave. I will leave the light on for you.